Feeling grounded is to feel calm, secure and in touch with our roots. Being grounded is that physical connection to the Earth, stillness of the body and clarity of the mind…
We humans are ‘beings’ of energy, governed by a system of electrical current and magnetic fields that run through and surround the physical body. Much like every other household appliance in our homes, in the event of a short circuit, the human body also needs a ground wire to act as a pathway for energy to be absorbed by the Earth. Without this outlet, a build-up of excess energy in the body can cause chronic inflammation and other serious illnesses.
The thing is, that as human beings, we are far less connected to our ‘ground wire’ than we ought to be… We do spend a large amount of time indoors, wearing shoes with rubber soles and so we lack that physical connection with the Earth’s surface that our bodies need. ‘Earthing’ is the actual contact between human skin and the Earth’s surface, which encourages a transfer of energy between the two organisms. Earth has its own energetic anatomy, so when Earthing takes place, negatively charged electrons are absorbed into our bodies which have a neutralising effect on our own human energies, thus balancing the electrical current of the physical body.
This theory makes sense from an energy science perspective and a philosophical yogi perspective. Feeling the earth beneath our feet is quite literally very grounding, but the physiological effect is hugely beneficial too. So, my shoes are off and I’m sitting outside on the grass, albeit a little damp… Being outside in the fresh air is so much better for us than we ever knew! 🙂